Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Graduations and Funerals

I attended the funeral of a 75 man the other day.  His grand-daughters are in my youth group.  As I ponder the words of Jesus, I am drawn to his words about children ("Let the little children come to me" and "faith like a child").  [I know this is out of order in my study, but the Holy Spirit moves in unpredictable ways :)]  As I sat there, I saw this gentleman's 50+-year-old daughter recollect memories of her dad sharing many of the things that he did with her and her siblings.  She looked 50, but sounded 5.  The sound of her voice could only be likened to child-like infatuation for a daddy.

As a teacher I have had the privilege of attending graduation each year.  Honestly, most of it I could do without, but the thing I do look forward to is seeing each graduate's face as they step up to the edge of the stage and look out for Mom and Dad.  There it is again.  I don't see an 18 or 22 year old young adult.  I see in their eyes and smile a look of a 5-year-old quietly screaming, "Daddy, Mommy, aren't you proud of me?!  I did it!"  Its wonderfully similar to the look they gave from that same spot on a stage at their Kindergarten graduation!

To some, these may be odd observations or meaningless coincidence.  To me, these are a reminder of how our relationship with God should be.  Do you remember standing in that spot at graduation?  Looking out at all of the faces.  Your eyes dart from section to section trying to remember where Mom said they had reserved seats.  And then it happened: you found them.  At that point in your young life, that was the biggest sigh you have ever let out.  You have connected with them.  You see them beaming with pride, camera rolling. You longed to hear them say, "Well done."

So why do I try to use smart words or sound all "grown-up?  I think He still wants us to come like those graduates or loved ones.  Even at 33.

1 comment:

  1. Well said. I love that analogy. What a picture in my mind. I love the way you write and it is easy to connect with you. I am soon to be 31 and am right with you every step of the way. While I do not remember my kindergarten graduation I do remember my graduate degree and I did it then. I bet I had that face and mom and dad saw a 5 year old. Haha! That is a cool thought for sure. As I write this I am looking at my kids and wondering about the years to come when they are old enough to go to kindergarten. Thanks.
